Why do cats miaow? : a free downloadable lesson

Photo Credit: Trish Hamme via Compfight cc

Photo Credit: Trish Hamme via Compfight cc

A free downloadable lesson, based on a clip from a BBC programme about cats and their behaviour.  This clip looks at how cats communicate with each other and with humans. Students start by looking at some of the ways that different languages describe the way that dogs speak, before looking at some common animal sounds in English. Students are then guided through the video, answering a variety of different question types, and learning some more vocabulary from the video. There is then a focus on infinitives of purpose, in order to as so as to, and the conjunctions so that and in order that.

The lesson would be suitable from B1+  upwards as the vocabulary is quite high level, though most of the video is very clear and not too fast.

Download lesson plan PDF here: ELT Resourceful – Why do cats miaow

Look here for more free downloadable lessons


Filed under Downloadable lesson materials, Exploiting authentic recordings and videos, Grammar, Vocabulary

5 responses to “Why do cats miaow? : a free downloadable lesson

  1. This is the lesson I want to be doing with my students :)))))

  2. Giulia

    Great lesson, thanks for sharing!

  3. And there it happens again – you teach a group of four friends and you think this would make a great lesson for them, and then you remember one of them truly hates animals:) Thank you anyway Rachael:)

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